Sentencing Council: July 2015

IMPORTANT INFORMATION – PLEASE READ: There are four options for viewing your papers – hopefully something that suits everyone with much less scrolling required than last time. There is no wi-fi in the Queen’s Building so you will need to download these to view them.

1. A PDF of each individual paper is provided below and you will need to open these in Adobe Reader to get the full functionality.  The annexes are available at the foot of each paper which you will find simply by scrolling down within the document. However, a better way to access them is to use the paper clip symbol on the left hand side of the PDF once you have opened it. When you click on this, it will allow you to open and close any annex in a new window while keeping the main paper open.

2. All annexes are also available as separate PDFs should you wish to access them in this way. You will see these listed on the right of the list below. However, most people should not need to use these.

3. A single PDF is available at the foot of the list below, incorporating all the papers. This version now includes bookmarks to every paper as well as every annex, rather than links to and from the covering letter as we had done previously. When you click on either the sidebar or the bookmark symbol (like a ribbon) on the left hand side of the PDF it will show the complete list of links.

Please note, if you intend to print papers, it will be preferable to do so in colour.

4. The papers and annexes are also available separately in a zipped folder in a Word format in case anyone is unable to use PDFs.

Covering letter
Minutes of the last meeting (paper 1)
Matters arising (paper 2)
Council governance and strategy (paper 3)
Costs of sentencing (paper 4) Annexes
Annex A
Theft (paper 5) Annexes
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D
Annex E
Annex F
Annex G
Guilty pleas (paper 6)
Health and safety (paper 7) Annexes
Annex A
Annex B
Annex C
Annex D
Annex E
Annex F
Annex G
Youths (paper 8) Annexes
Annex A1
Annex A2
Annex B
Annex C1
Annex C2
Annex D
Annex E
Law Commission: Consultation paper on the sentencing code
 Law Commission: Sentencing code – paper added 16 July
Complete set of papers in single PDF
Papers available in zipped folder

If any member needs any additional support with accessing papers for this meeting please call Gareth on 020 7071 5791.

Date 17/07/2015

Time 9:45 am - 4:30 pm

Location Queens Conference Room

Categories Sentencing Council


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Tim Holroyde
Non Responded list:
Amanda RipponNot Responded
Beverley ThompsonNot Responded
Elaine FreerNot Responded
Jo KingNot Responded
Johanna RobinsonNot Responded
Juliet MayNot Responded
Mark WallNot Responded
Richard WrightNot Responded
Rob NixonNot Responded
Simon DrewNot Responded
Stephen LeakeNot Responded
Stephen ParkinsonNot Responded
William DavisNot Responded