Minutes of meeting: April 2011
Minutes of the Sentencing Council meeting held on 8 April 2011.
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Minutes of the Sentencing Council meeting held on 8 April 2011.
PUBLICATION – Statistical bulletin –
A bulletin explaining current sentencing practice for drug offences describing the context in which the consultation proposals were made.
PUBLICATION – Equality impact assessment –
An equality impact assessment for the draft guideline on drug offences.
PUBLICATION – Research report –
This document describes the key features emerging from case study interviews carried out by the Office of the Sentencing Council with a small number of women currently imprisoned for unlawful importation of drugs (many acting as drug 'mules').
PUBLICATION – Consultations –
A consultation paper for a legal professional audience on the sentencing of drug offences. Closed on 20 June 2011.
PUBLICATION – Research report –
Qualitative research into public attitudes to sentencing for drug offences was conducted on behalf of the Sentencing Council for England and Wales by the Institute for Criminal Policy Research.
PUBLICATION – Resource assessment –
A document that sets out the general methodology used to assess the likely effect of new guidelines on resources. The Sentencing Council has developed a general analytical model which has been designed to aid resource assessment in a wide variety of scenarios.
PUBLICATION – Resource assessment –
A document that sets out the general methodology used to assess the likely effect of new guidelines on resources. This note considers the potential resource impacts of one of the Council’s key objectives: promoting consistency in sentencing.
PUBLICATION – Consultations –
A summary of the responses received to the consultation paper on the sentencing of assault offences.
PUBLICATION – Resource assessment –
A final resource assessment for the definitive assault offences guideline.