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Published on:

11 July 2024

The Sentencing Council business plan 2024/25 sets out the work the Council aims to undertake in the year to March 2023 to meet our statutory objectives and the objectives we set ourselves in our five-year strategy.

In the coming year we aim to publish a number of new and revised definitive guidelines:

  • a major revision to the guideline on the imposition of community and custodial sentences
  • new guidelines for blackmail, kidnap and false imprisonment
  • revised guidelines for aggravated vehicle taking offences, vehicle registration fraud and driver disqualification
  • new sentencing guidelines for immigration offences.

We will be consulting on offence specific guidelines for non-fatal strangulation, housing offences, public order and hare coursing offences. We are also proposing a new overarching guideline to provide the courts with guidance on the use of ancillary orders.