Publication types:

Publication topics:
Ancillary orders

Published on:

11 September 2024

A consultation paper on ancillary orders.

The consultation closes on 4 December 2024.

What is this consultation about?

The Sentencing Council currently provides guidance on ancillary orders in various places on our website as well as within offence specific guidelines (usually at step 6 or 7). Most of this guidance is aimed at magistrates’ courts.

The Council is seeking to improve the consistency, accessibility and presentation of the current information and to provide more detailed guidance for both magistrates’ courts and the Crown Court.

Who should respond?

The Council is asking judges, magistrates, legal advisers and lawyers who refer to ancillary orders in their work to give their views on the clarity, accuracy and usefulness of the proposed new and revised guidance on any of the ancillary orders in which they have an interest.

What do we want to know?

The Council is seeking views on the usefulness, accuracy and clarity of the proposed changes and anything else that you think should be considered.