News type:

News topic:
Ancillary orders

Published on:

11 September 2024

We are seeking views on proposals that aim to improve the consistency, accessibility and presentation of our guidance on ancillary orders available on conviction.

The consultation covers 28 ancillary orders – for six of these, the Council is proposing new guidance: animal destruction orders; forfeiture of equipment used in animal welfare offences; parenting orders – child; serious crime prevention orders on conviction; sub-letting – unlawful profit orders; and travel restriction orders. For the remaining 22, we are proposing revised and, in some instances, more-detailed guidance.

We are asking judges, magistrates, legal advisers and all those who refer to ancillary orders in their work to give us their views on the clarity, accuracy and usefulness of the proposed new and revised guidance on any of the ancillary orders in which they have an interest.

The consultation closes on 4 December 2024.