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5 March 2025

The Council has published a significantly revised version of the Imposition of community and custodial sentences guideline.

The Imposition guideline sets out the guidance that magistrates and judges must follow when imposing community orders and custodial sentences, including deciding whether a custodial sentence can be suspended. It has been developed through public consultation and comes into effect on 1 April 2025.

The aim of the revised guideline is to make sure the courts have the most comprehensive information available about the circumstances of the offender and the offence, and the range of possible sentencing options, so that they can impose a tailored sentence that is the most suitable and appropriate for the offender and offence before them.

The revised guideline places greater emphasis than before on the critical role of pre-sentence reports (PSRs) in sentencing decisions and provides more information on the function and scope of the requirements courts can attach to community orders and suspended sentence orders. It also includes an entirely new section that considers the purposes and effectiveness of sentencing and includes new evidence the courts should consider when sentencing young adults, female offenders, mothers with dependent children, and pregnant and post-natal offenders.

The guideline has been published alongside a consultation response document that sets out the views of respondents to the consultation and the changes that have been made a result of them.