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News topic:
Miscellaneous amendments to sentencing guidelines

Published on:

5 September 2024

The Council’s fourth annual consultation on miscellaneous amendments to guidelines is now open. 

We are proposing a series of changes designed to bring greater clarity and consistency to guidelines and reflect developments in legislation. The proposals include:

  • changing ‘children and young people’ to ‘children’ across all guidelines
  • aligning factors in the careless driving guideline with other driving offence guidelines
  • clarifying how the factor ‘Exceptional financial hardship’ in shop theft and benefit fraud relates to ‘Difficult and/or deprived background or personal circumstances’
  • clarifying guidance on sentencing very large organisations
  • including the aggravating factor ‘Offence committed in a domestic abuse context’ in a greater number offence specific guidelines

The consultation is open until 27 November 2024.