Drink-driving calculator
Date disqualification imposed
Period of disqualification
Was an immediate custodial sentence imposed?
Length of custodial sentence:
Length of reduction (1 week/month, minimum 3 months)
Course to be completed by
Disqualification end date with course reduction
Disqualification end date with no reduction
How has this been worked out?
Months = calendar days (ie 30 or 31 days (or 28/29, if Feb) depending on when disqualification begins).
Disqualification is extended by half of any custodial term imposed. Extension is disregarded when calculating rehabilitation driving course reduction. Note: the extension of one-half of the custodial term applies even if the offender is liable to be released having served 40% of the custodial sentence
Half days are rounded down (eg a 3-day custodial sentence would be halved and rounded down to show a 1-day extension on disqualification).
“Disqualification end date” is the date on which the offender is permitted to drive again. A new driving licence must be applied for if the ban has been for 56 days or more.